Vacancies of the Officers:
Removal of Officers:
In the event that an Executive Member (Executive members are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) vacates their position - One month notification shall be required unless otherwise mutually agreed. Vacancies may be filled through the process of a bi-election in a manner consistent with the Executive policies, and process used at the AGM re: nomination/election process.
In the event that an Executive Member, Area Representative or Workplace Safety and Health Representative is not fulfilling their duties without reasonable explanation, this may be cause for removal from the Executive. Example: failure to attend two consecutive meetings without reasonable explanation.
Addition of Executive Members:
In the event that a union representative is needed he/she needs to state their interest to an Executive Member or Area Representative. The Executive Member and/or Area Representative will bring their name forward at the next executive meeting for discussion. If all parties are in agreement the nurse can be acclaimed at the executive meeting. If approved, the member will be in a "term position" until next Worksite AGM where the nomination/election process will be used.
Provincial Annual General Meeting Representatives will be determined by the Executive annually.
Educational Funds:
Worksite 97 will seek other funding alternatives for labour programs such as the Keith Lambert Fund and the WRHA Recruitment and Retention Fund.