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Area Contacts

Access West: Yvonne Maguet

CIVP: Shalin Hustad

Point Douglas: Michelle Price

Downtown West: Sancha Bullard

RiverEast/Transcona: Jennifer Baillie

St.Boniface/St.Vital: Donna Letain

Hospital Based Case Coord: Michelle Green

Access Fort Gary: Vacant

Downtown East: Vacant

Palliative: Vacant

Seven Oaks/Inkster: Vacant

Rapid Response: Vacant

Respite: Vacant

If anyone is interested in serving and learning about your Worksite union please review the Worksite 97 Policies on Officer Vacancies and contact a member of the Worksite 97 Executive.

© 2006-2020 Manitoba Nurses' Union - Worksite 97 | ph: 204.451.4473 | Email
Website by: Dragonfly Projects