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Workplace Safety & Health

The members of this committee attend worksite Workplace Safety and Health meetings at least four times per year. The law requires a Workplace Safety and Health Committee in each workplace. Please contact the following committee members for your workplaces safety and health concerns, or email

Minutes of all WPSH meetings are posted by the employer in each decentralized office.

St. Vital/St. Boniface - Daniele Kendal

River East/Transcona - Jennifer Baillie

Point Douglas - Mary Lopez

Access West - Vacant

Downtown - Leanne Newman

CIVP - Shalin Hustad

If anyone is interested in serving and learning about your Worksite union please review the Worksite 97 Policies on Officer Vacancies and contact a member of the Worksite 97 Executive.

© 2006-2024 Manitoba Nurses' Union - Worksite 97 | ph: 204.451.4473 | Email
Website by: Dragonfly Projects